
Lastline Portal Session Fixation

Dell SecureWorks Security Advisory SWRX-2015-003

Advisory Information

  • Title: Lastline Portal Session Fixation
  • Advisory ID: SWRX-2015-003
  • Date published: Monday, June 8, 2015
  • CVE: CVE-2015-4126
  • CVSS v2 base score: 5.1
  • Date of last update: Monday, June 8, 2015
  • Vendors contacted: Lastline
  • Release mode: Coordinated
  • Discovered by: Dana James Traversie and Sean Wright, Dell SecureWorks


Lastline is a breach detection platform that provides administrative functionality and other features via a dedicated web application. A vulnerability in the Lastline Portal web application results from insufficient or improper session management in the web application or container. An unauthenticated, remote attacker could conduct session fixation attacks by persuading a user to follow a malicious link or visit an attacker-controlled website.

Download the PDF: SWRX-2015-003

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