
IBM Atlas Suite SQL Injection in GWT-RPC Component

Dell SecureWorks Security Advisory SWRX-2014-002

Advisory Information

  • Title: IBM Atlas Suite SQL injection in GWT-RPC component
  • Advisory ID: SWRX-2014-002
  • Date published: Tuesday, January 14, 2014
  • CVE: CVE-2013-6321
  • CVSS v2 base score: 6.5
  • Date of last update: Tuesday, January 14, 2014
  • Vendors contacted: IBM Corporation
  • Release mode: Coordinated
  • Discovered by: Craig Lambert, Dell SecureWorks


The IBM Atlas Suite/Atlas Policy Suite is a solution portfolio that retains and archives information, meets eDiscovery obligations, and defensibly disposes of information to lower customers' cost and risk.

An SQL injection vulnerability exists in the affected products due to insufficient input validation of GWT-RPC requests. Successful exploitation may allow an attacker to retrieve data in the database beyond their application privilege level and to compromise the underlying database server.

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