Case Study

Global Manufacturer Combines Threat Monitoring and Vulnerability Management

Combining an MDR solution with vulnerability management boosts cyber defenses

Customer Story

Global Manufacturing Company

"We know with Secureworks, we finally have somebody watching over our back to help us out with everything. We get a good sleep, a good night’s rest.”

Systems Engineer, Global Manufacturer

What you’ll learn:

  • The benefits of having two key pillars of holistic security delivered by the same provider
  • The power of enhanced visibility and robust threat detection and response
  • The value of vulnerability scanning and contextual prioritization

A global manufacturer with limited security resources found itself lacking a holistic view of security activity across its landscape, did not have confidence in its vulnerability management solution, and felt it needed to reduce the organization’s risk.

Learn how the combination of Secureworks® Taegis™ ManagedXDR and Taegis VDR delivers threat detection and response, and vulnerability management, providing the peace of mind the manufacturer needs.